Guardian Abuse Webinar – Part 1 of 2
WebinarGuardian Abuse Webinar - Part 1 of 2 A Very Texan Response to the Movie 'I Care A Lot" February 21, 2023 1pm-2pm Register
Guardian Abuse Webinar - Part 1 of 2 A Very Texan Response to the Movie 'I Care A Lot" February 21, 2023 1pm-2pm Register
Guardian Abuse Webinar - Part 2 of 2 Title to come 1pm-2pm Register
This presentation reviews the basics of investing, also known as Investing 101. We cover all major topics from stocks and bonds to insurance and annuities and everything in-between. Additionally, we will cover the fundamentals of investing including asset allocation, diversification, and the different types of risk. Register Here Speakers: Rick Ybarra Doug Quint Meeting Format: […]
Description: The TGA Guardianship Law and Ethics Review is a four-hour live webinar that is an intensive survey of legal and ethical issues in guardianship proceedings in Texas. The Guardianship Law and Ethics review is beneficial to anyone who wants to learn more about guardianship in Texas. This session is scheduled in advance of the […]
At times, cases involving persons in mental health crisis might be supported/aided by guardainship. Learn when & how that could happen, & ways to assist when emergency detention is needed. Speakers: Marie P. Rodriguez, JD Rogers, Miller & Rodriguez Meeting Price: TGA Members - $25 Non Members - $45 *$25 Fee for Certificate CEU|MCLE 1.0 […]
Chapter 4 of the Texas Guardianship Manual provides an essential narrative on creating guardianships with related forms and commentary. This session will provide instruction on the process of filing a guardianship proceeding and peripheral issues that must be considered when initiating a guardianship. The presenter will refer to an online version of the Texas Guardianship […]
Chapter 2 of the Texas Guardianship Manual provides an essential narrative on temporary guardianships and other emergency relief with related forms and commentary. This session will provide instruction on the process of filing and managing a temporary guardianship proceeding and peripheral issues that must be considered when initiating a temporary guardianship. This session will also […]
TGA Guardianship Manual Presenter: Lisa Jamieson Topic: TGA Guardianship Manual- Chapter 7 Inventory, Safekeeping, and Creditors and Chapter 14 Final Accounts and Closing Guardianships Register
TGA Guardianship Manual Presenter: Kevin Alter Topic: TGA Guardianship Manual- Chapter 5 Guardianships of Veterans and the VA Fiduciary Program Register
TGA Guardianship Manual Presenter: TBD Topic: TGA Guardianship Manual, Chapter 9: Guardianship Modification, Restoration, and Successor Guardians Register